Blockchain/Smart Contracts - Esorics2019 Blockchain/Smart Contracts - Esorics2019

Blockchain/Smart Contracts

September 24, 2019 from 1:45 pm to 3:50 pm

Speaker: Session Chair: Dieter Gollmann

Incentives for Harvesting Attack in Proof of Work mining pools
Yevhen Zolotavkin and Veronika Kuchta

A Lattice-Based Linkable Ring Signature Supporting Stealth Addresses
Zhen Liu, Khoa Nguyen, Guomin Yang, Huaxiong Wang and Duncan, S. Wong

Annotary: A Concolic Execution System for Developing Secure Smart Contracts
Konrad Weiss and Julian Schuette

PDFS: Practical Data Feed Service for Smart Contracts
Juan Guarnizo and Pawel Szalachowski

Towards a Marketplace for Secure Outsourced Computations
Hung Dang, Dat Le Tien and Ee-Chien Chang


✆ Contact the organizing committee: esorics2019 [at] uni [dot] lu


✆ Contact the organizing committee: esorics2019 [at] uni [dot] lu


✆ Contact the organizing committee: esorics2019 [at] uni [dot] lu


✆ Contact the organizing committee: esorics2019 [at] uni [dot] lu