Information Leakage - Esorics2019 Information Leakage - Esorics2019

Information Leakage

September 23, 2019 from 10:30 am to 12:10 pm

Speaker: Session Chair: Cristina Alcaraz

The Leakage-Resilience Dilemma
Bryan Ward, Richard Skowyra, Chad Spensky, Jason Martin and Hamed Okhravi

A Taxonomy of Attacks using BGP Blackholing
Loïc Miller and Cristel Pelsser

Local Obfuscation Mechanisms for Hiding Probability Distributions
Yusuke Kawamoto and Takao Murakami

A First Look into Privacy Leakage in 3D Mixed Reality Data
Jaybie de Guzman, Kanchana Thilakarathna and Aruna Seneviratne


✆ Contact the organizing committee: esorics2019 [at] uni [dot] lu


✆ Contact the organizing committee: esorics2019 [at] uni [dot] lu


✆ Contact the organizing committee: esorics2019 [at] uni [dot] lu


✆ Contact the organizing committee: esorics2019 [at] uni [dot] lu