Machine Learning - Esorics2019 Machine Learning - Esorics2019

Machine Learning

September 23, 2019 from 10:30 am to 12:10 pm

Speaker: Session Chair: Joaquin Garcia-Alfaro

Privacy-Enhanced Machine Learning with Functional Encryption
Miha Stopar, Tilen Marc, Jan Hartman, Manca Bizjak and Jolanda Modic

Towards Secure and Efficient Outsourcing of Machine Learning Classification
Yifeng Zheng, Huayi Duan and Cong Wang

Confidential Boosting with Random Linear Classifiers for Outsourced User-generated Data
Sagar Sharma and Keke Chen

BDPL: A Boundary Differentially Private Layer Against Machine Learning Model Extraction Attacks
Huadi Zheng, Qingqing Ye, Haibo Hu, Chengfang Fang and Jie Shi


✆ Contact the organizing committee: esorics2019 [at] uni [dot] lu


✆ Contact the organizing committee: esorics2019 [at] uni [dot] lu


✆ Contact the organizing committee: esorics2019 [at] uni [dot] lu


✆ Contact the organizing committee: esorics2019 [at] uni [dot] lu