Web Security - Esorics2019 Web Security - Esorics2019

Web Security

September 25, 2019 from 3:55 pm to 5:35 pm

Speaker: Session Chair: Sokratis Katsikas

The Risks of WebGL: Analysis, Evaluation and Detection
Alex Belkin, Nethanel Gelernter and Israel Cidon

Mime Artist: Bypassing Whitelisting for the Web with JavaScript Mimicry Attacks
Stefanos Chaliasos, George Metaxopoulos, George Argyros and Dimitris Mitropoulos

Fingerprint Surface-based Detection of Web Bot Detectors
Hugo Jonker, Benjamin Krumnow and Gabry Vlot

Testing for Integrity Flaws in Web Sessions
Stefano Calzavara, Alvise Rabitti, Alessio Ragazzo and Michele Bugliesi


✆ Contact the organizing committee: esorics2019 [at] uni [dot] lu


✆ Contact the organizing committee: esorics2019 [at] uni [dot] lu


✆ Contact the organizing committee: esorics2019 [at] uni [dot] lu


✆ Contact the organizing committee: esorics2019 [at] uni [dot] lu